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Furfur Pearl Prime Green Lens

By 7:55 PM , , ,

Hey guys! I'm sorry that I've been M.I.A. for most of the time. College and other business kept me crazy busy :"( But hey, I just got back from my Japan trip and I have looooots of Japanese makeup brands to review, so worry not! Anyways, moving on~ let's start on this new pair of lens that I got from LensVillage.

It is the Furfur Pearl Prime Green lens with -5.00 prescription on it~ (though I should get one with higher power since I think my eyesight have gotten worse and worse now.) The color was more of a deep emerald. There are hints of glittery sparkles on it, which is quite amusing as I've never seen such feature on any kind of lens before. I used it as a daily eyewear now and it remains comfortable during the day! (And yes, it makes my eyes super sparkly and big *_*)

Life Span : 1 Year
B.C. : 8.6mm
Diameter: 14.5mm
Water Content : 38%
Power Availability : -0.00 to -10.00
Country of Origin : South Korea
Manufacturing Company : Dueba (DollyEye)

This is how they look light in normal room light and under studio light (desk lamp light, lol). Looks natural on the eyes and suitable for dailywear. <3

Under Room Light

Studio Lightning

So what do you think? So far, I'm loving this pair and it has caused me no problem from Day 1 <3 I'm planning to get another pair, but with a different color for my future cosplay plan. Let me know on what you guys think whether a gold or a violet pair would be a sicker color to wear! I'll see you in my next post, and it's going to be on Japanese beauty products! Promiseee~

Thank you for reading! xx

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  1. Nice green color on these! I really like green lenses! :)
    Seeing this review makes me really curious about how these would look on light eyes!
    I think the gold ones would be super cool! I've been thinking about getting them myself but haven't found any review of them online, so I don't know how they would look, haha.

    Shiro Samurai's Cosplay & Circle Lens Blog

    1. I personally think it would look absolutely breath-taking on light eyes! Makes it even more ethereal looking <3
      Gold ones look pretty rad as well~ When in doubt, get both X"D

  2. I bet a violet colored lens would look sicker :)

    Oh Dear Bumblebees
