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AniCult 2014 @ Surabaya!

By 6:23 PM , , , , , , ,

Last 2 weeks I attended Anicult in Surabaya! It was in fact, my very first convention within Indonesia, excluding Jakarta. I totally went all bananas on this trip, for sure. My friend, Ryuuka, and I went on a plane on Saturday dawn. Totally exhausted after the flight, we still went anyway and got ready for Anicult day 1.

Departing from Jakarta to Surabaya!

-- DAY 1 --
On day 1, we decided not to cosplay, just being casual and to chill with friends <3 The venue was pretty confusing and not quite ideal. To be honest, I was pretty disappointed of the venue. There are lots of space but not much booths selling merchs, etc. It was pretty empty, to be completely honest. Other than the emptiness of the event, there are still cool things to check out around the event. There are itashas (modified anime cars), artist alleys where people sell their fanarts and figurine stores.

Meanwhile on the main stage, we got to see all the beautiful judges in real life. They're real pretty IRL, no exaggeration. Well... Maybe a little. c": To get into the main stage, you have to purchase the ticket a.k.a. the wristband 'ticket' to get through. I noticed that a lot, A LOT, of people who didn't were able to get into the stage very easily. I guess, I bought this 'special' ticket for IDR 150,000,- for nothing then. 0_0;;

The wristband ticket I was talking about 0_0;;;;

Cosplay Guest : All Star <3

Hana & Baozi on stage

I'm hopelessly biased over Sara/Tousa Bao ;;_;;

In the evening, I went over to Platina Parlour cafe to eat and enjoy some company from the lovely butlers there since I already made 2 reservations that day. I'll post more details on my first visit to this butler cafe on my future post c: Promise <3

The day ended quickly with me helping my friend to collect the autographs of the guest stars. I was extremely nervous to meet them, double the adrenaline for Sara ;;_;;

Day 1 selfies <3

-- DAY 2 --
On day 2, I cosplayed as Watanabe Mayu of AKB0048, which is very coincidental since many of my friends also went as idols from different animes too! The world is too damn small, huh. I also met an Oshima Yuko cosplayer, who then I traded coscard with <3

After going around the empty hall again and again, I just couldn't take the heat anymore. I mean, the costume itself is hella thick and the skirt is too puffy, it knocked some merchandises of someone's table. (Sorry;;;;) I then went to change and helped with my friend's booth, PUINE, together with Nini <3 I requested a Maleficent in a bottle from PUINE booth <3 Basically the only merch I purchased in Anicult, lol.

Adorable, isn't it? c:

In the CosWalk competition, 3 of my friends managed to get themselves into the finals. Though they didn't win it, they got the loudest cheer from all. (I'm pretty sure I'm the loudest of all, sorry not sorry :9)

Yuen (left) as Hakutaku and Aphin (right) as Hoozuki from the series Hoozuki no Reitetsu

Basically on day 2, I just turned into a goofball and just trolled around in my Mayuyu cosplay. It was really fun though c: <3 With that, I immediately went straight to the airport and caught my flight to Jakarta.

Jojo Pose *_*)9

Day 2 Selfies

To be completely honest, I wouldn't go to Surabaya specifically for this event. Not that I went there to see around the event or something like that anyways. The schedule is poorly managed and even the MC can't be professional about it. There are times when the handing out of prize was so jumbled up and it's completely bananas. So, if they're going to hold another Anicult event in 2015, I beg you to please, please be professional about it. The place is poorly decorated and the security was like they're not even there! Hire a better MC, would you? Maybe someone who can speak fluent English or basic Japanese. I could make a list of all the flaws this event has, but I won't since I'm too lazy to do that :"D

Please, hold an audition for the MC or something. I would like to apply if there is going to be one.
I'm like super cereal about this :c /frustrated/

Okay, okay! Probably you're already tired reading all of these mumbo-jumbo.
Thank you for reading till the end! If you did, hi-five for you! //hi5's uwu)/
I'll be writing more entries on events like these in the near future, so keep your eyes on that owo <3

Thank you for reading! xx

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