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Oh, Mysterious Mascara!

By 4:24 PM , , ,

Hey guys! A few days back, I got this pretty package with a mysterious mascara in it and I'm going to review it now! Why mysterious? Because I, swear to God, don't even know the brand of this mascara I'm about to review~ Alas, I'm going to be super objective and not a speck of "brand-bias" will ever be involved in this :p Let's start, shall we?

The mysterious mascara is about 10 cm tall and has a metallic top, while the bottom is glossy black. The wand is slightly curved, making it easy to reach those blindspots where it gets tricky to apply coats of mascara! No clumps are to be found on the wand, and the mascara doesn't oozes any funky smell too.

I tested the mascara myself, and I must say it does its job beautifully! My lashes look prominently thicker and longer than before. The wand helps seperate individual lashes and prevents it from clumping together, which is what you want to not get "spider-legs" lashes.

Before // After

Before // After

Even my friend couldn't resist trying this mascara! (while she's helping me taking all these beautiful pictures <3) And so I applied her generous coats and boy, look at that difference!

Other than testing it on our own lashes, of course waterproof and smudgeproof test are a must, amiright?! XD From what we experimented, the mascara stayed under running tap water. When you dried it off with a napkin, the mascara tends to transfer itself to the napkin. So that might be an issue for you, tissue-users :( And for smudging problem, the mascara do not smudge at all. It might came off under strong pressure, but not smudge. :)

I'm extremely kepo (curious) about this mascara's real brand, almost dying to want to know! I would definitely buy this again if it finally hits the shelf! That's it for the Mysterious Mascara review and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do~ See you on my next review <3 #rollwithindo :p

Thank you for reading! xx

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  1. ini brand apa siiih jangan-jangan nama brandnya "Mysterious"? Ahahaha XD
    Anyway, say Hi to your new follower? >u<

    Oiyaa aku lagi ada sale nih di blog, boleh mampir yaa makasii ^^

    Fairuz Inas

    1. Ternyata ini brand Benefit! Aku jg shock sendiri hahahaha XD
      Halo halo follower baruuu~ maaf blog masih rada bobrok gini TvT)
      Makasih yaa dah mampirr jg XD

  2. Replies
    1. Nebelin tp dia ngk nempel" ke tetangga"nya jg~ XD
