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SMASH! 2014

By 10:23 AM , , , , ,

Good evening, people of unknown origins! Today's topic will be about my first event I attended during my visit to Sydney, Australia. It's Smash Con! <3 I'm super excited since I totally missed last year's con due to clashing schedule with my Melbourne trip. After a long year, I was finally able to go! Woohoo so excited <3

I attended Smash! on both Saturday and Sunday. Though I can't really say I 'attended' Saturday's Smash since I came extremely late (around 4p.m.). Reason behind my tardiness? I was supposed to land in Sydney around 9.30a.m. but due to the foggy weather, my plane was diverted to Melbourne for 2-3 hours and by the time we arrive in Sydney, it's already 2.30p.m. My butt suffers a lot because of that exhausting flight.

Lanyard for Smash Day 2!

Moving on from my bad luck, I went as Nonon for day 1 and day 2. Met with a lot of new people and hang around with friends. Basically all I do is sitting down and talk with people. Cons are like the best place to hang around with friends and talk about weird stuff and whatnots. I also took many selfies (including all the derps) with friends as well. All the Sydney-tachis~! <3

I also had a quick shoot with Martin Huang "Mtknot" using the stadium seats behind the venue. It was pretty yeah <3 The Nonon picture on the very top was taken by Martin. (Thanks a lot, mang!)

Behind-the-scene shooo~ot!

I managed to go around the artist alleys and booths for a while. There's a lot of cosplayers enthusiastically eyeing for adorable merchs in the exhibition hall. I myself found this 8-bit Zelda dungeon key necklace! It costs me $10 and I got from 'Geek a Little' booth <3 (Now it's my staple acccesory item!)

And of course, everytime a con ends, a celebratory dinner is a must! Ate some delicious congee and yummy side-dishes, and took some polaroid groupies~ All is well and Smash was a blast! I'll post another entry about my whole Sydney trip soon! <3

Otsukare-cchi! \m/

Thank you for reading! xx

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